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Technology Teaching Tools

Technology Teaching Tools are short, online, asynchronous modules highlighting a technology teaching tool along with relevant pedagogical implementation strategies. Some of the CIRT Technology Tools discussed below rely on freeware downloads. Prior to utilizing these technologies, you are encouraged to understand the potential risks associated with freeware; see the article "Why Free Software Downloads Aren't Always Safe" for an overview of key considerations.


  • Delicious is the place to collect and showcase your passions from across the web. Save what you like - videos, pictures, tweets, blog posts, or articles - on topics you enjoy and search through others' collections of links to discover cool stuff!

Pedagogical Ideas

In the classroom, Delicious can be used in a variety of ways. Some ideas include the following:

  • Linked-Up Project - Students use Delicious to find, tag, and store links for their big project. The links are easily retrievable and embedded into the project to bring interest and depth to the assignment. They can also search others' tags for similar content to find additional resources.
  • Community Service Curator - Have students find links related to a particular community service theme. Upload and tag the links in Delicious. Retrieve them simply to use in a presentation at your next community service fund-raising event.
  • Teacher Exclusive: Lesson Plan Catalogue - Great links often show up when you don't need them. Find them easily by uploading and tagging links related to the topics you teach throughout the school year. No need to worry if you are not teaching on that for three months; Delicious will allow you to search your tags (and the tags of others) to locate those great links you saved right when you need them!

How do you utilize this technology in your classroom?

Please share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions for utilizing this technology to foster effective teaching and learning.

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This page is managed by the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. 

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