Teaching How to Achieve an Achievement Culture in a K–12 Teacher Education University Program

Lisa Marie Portugal, American College of Education


This article examines effective instructional strategies for K–12 teacher education in an online university setting with a diverse, global student population enrolled in a K–12 teacher education program. Student learning can be constructed with three distinct design features that provide a framework for an instructional vision and direction for the university. The three factors of organizational culture relevant to student achievement include (1) learning engagement strategies, (2) learning experience strategies, and (3) the learning environment. In alignment with these three organizational factors are three cultural learning factors identified as (1) sociality, (2) communication, and (3) cultural heritage. Further three cultural leadership strategies are also discussed and include (1) the Participatory Leadership model, (2) continuously improve student outcomes with partnering, and (3) innovation practices. From this shared mission, vision, and values statements can be developed.

Keywords: diversity, K–12 teacher education, diverse learners, instructional vision, organizational culture, student achievement, learning engagement strategies, instructional strategies, learning experience strategies, learning environment, cultural strategy, cultural factors, academic achievement, measurable performance, cultural learning, cultural heritage, assessment, leadership, culture, diversity, communication strategies, mission statement, vision statement, values statement, K–12, organizational communication, teaching, learning, education, higher education.

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Read Full Article: https://cirt.gcu.edu/jir/documents/2020_v9/portugalpdf


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