The Role of Spirituality in Academic Achievement

Lori J. Cooper, Grand Canyon University | Elizabeth Valenti, Grand Canyon University | Amanda Laster-Loftus, Grand Canyon University


There is an overall paucity of literature exploring spirituality as it relates to academic achievement (AA). This correlation study explores the role that spirituality plays in students’ AA. A total of 253 undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory level psychology courses at a private Christian university in the Southwestern United States completed the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES). This study examines whether a correlation exists between spirituality and AA. A low positive but significant correlation was found between AA (GPA) and prayer frequency (r = .18, p = .005). The link between these variables has implications for educational efforts that may strengthen the foundation and opportunity to promote spiritual connection in an academic setting.

Key Words: spirituality, academic achievement, correlation, higher education, Daily Spiritual Experience Scale

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