Journal of Instructional Research

The Journal of Instructional Research (JIR) is an annual publication by the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching at Grand Canyon University.  The journal highlights faculty research relevant to best practices in post-secondary instruction. JIR has a unique two-stage evaluation process with public peer review and interactive discussion followed by a final formalized peer review for interested authors. The overarching goal of JIR is to provide SoTL researchers an opportunity to receive public review of their work to promote innovative, quality research that examines post-secondary teaching and learning. Through the public review process, authors receive feedback they can use for revising their research prior to submitting for publication. The public review element of JIR lends itself to providing an opportunity for both positive and constructive feedback for novice researchers. Authors can elect to submit the revised work either to JIR for publication consideration or to another publication outlet. Submissions to JIR are subject to a formalized peer review to determine suitability for publication.

The goals of JIR are to:

    • Enhance understanding and application of best practices in college teaching
    • Foster dialogue concerning innovative teaching, learning and assessment strategies
    • Foster a scholarly approach to the practice and profession of teaching

Aligned with these goals, topics to be covered in JIR include, but are not limited to:

    • Innovative teaching methods
    • Pedagogy
    • Technology-mediated instruction or assessment
    • Course design or delivery
    • Evaluation and learning
    • Evaluation of modes of instructional delivery
    • Learning management systems
    • Best practices in college teaching
    • Student characteristics that impact teaching

All papers submitted to JIR will be posted on the JIR website for public review and comment during one of three discussion periods (February, June or September). Following the discussion period, an author can revise and elect to submit for publication consideration with JIR or may elect to submit to another journal outlet. The final print and online volume of JIR is published annually in August.

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Submission Information:

Review Process:



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Submit a Paper:

Read Current Issue:

Read Past Issues:

Discussion Papers:


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  • ISSN 2159-0281 (Print)
  • eISSN 2159-029X (Online)

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