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Servant Leadership Theory and the Emergency Services Student - Eric Russell.doc

2013 Submissions
Last Updated:
October 3, 2013
| Version: 3
| 1 follower
Last Updated:
October 3, 2013
| Version: 3
Publication details
August 5, 2013
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the influence servant leadership had on the emergency service students’ understanding of the role and characteristics of a servant leader. The setting for the study was a state university in Utah, with the six participants being declared, undergraduate emergency services majors that underwent a 15-week servant leadership class. The findings
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Servant Leadership Theory and the Emergency Services Student - Eric Russell.doc


Offline Matthew Hampton said 11 years ago
Offline Eric Russell said 11 years ago
Photo of Joseph PopmaOffline Joseph Popma said 11 years ago
Offline Eric Russell said 11 years ago
Offline Lasheba Travis said 11 years ago
Offline Eric Russell said 11 years ago
Offline Cheryl Patton said 10 years ago
Photo of Moses TaiwoOffline Moses Taiwo said 10 years ago
Offline David Balch said 10 years ago
Offline Linda Fontenot said 10 years ago
Photo of Kristen DiCarloOffline Kristen DiCarlo said 10 years ago
Offline Eric Russell said 10 years ago
Photo of Julio Ibeh AgbanyimOffline Julio Ibeh Agbanyim said 10 years ago
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