Alternative Intervention

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Module 8: Alternative Intervention

  1. Alternative interventions
    1. What are your recommendations?
    2. Why are these crucial?
    3. Limitations

The Recommendation section of alternative intervention(s) provides a different aspect of the policy intervention.  Use this section to propose the policy change aspect; only one recommendation for action should be recommended. Describe the alternative intervention(s) you researched. When describing alternative interventions, it should be the same alternative intervention used in different settings. Do not use the various interventions in different settings. This is where you entice the stakeholder(s) to comprehend that there are alternatives that are working or have worked for the same health issue and should be the best option.

In conclusion, discuss the overall implications of the study without overstating the results and a recommendation for how the results could change health systems, programs, or practice related to the issue. This is the only place to discuss the alternative option. Be sure to address the strengths and the weaknesses of this intervention even if there is bias but in essence, is a better option than the current policy. 


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