Selecting Current Policy for Analysis

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Module 5: Selecting Current Policy for Analysis

  • What is the policy (policies)?
  •  How to find a policy

Once you have selected a health issue, to utilize credible sources to find out current policies. Be sure first to define the problem then search to consider the policies relevant to the problem. It cannot be done the other way around. For example, you selected mammograms and the policy of having preventative care performed at age 50. Recent research has found that mammograms are now recommended at age 40 for all women. Utilize sources such as google scholar if you do not have access to a university library. Search keywords and elements related to your health issue. Also, you can also assess who are the stakeholders involved that will or already addressing the intervention. Example of these stakeholders is lobbying groups, health organizations, different industries involved with the health issues, advocacy groups, and membership organizations (i.e., American Public Health Association, American Heart Association, American Cancer Association). Review the resource provided in this module to help you search. 


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