
Archives for January 2022 « Recent Articles

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

Dr. Gwen Dickey, COE adjunct faculty, and Dr. Rebekah Dyer, COE Full Professor, presented at the National Council for Exceptional Children conference in Orlando, FL.

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

KMRC is being planned as a two-part event. The first part will be a fully in person colloquium held in the Colangelo College of Business at Grand Canyon University Phoenix, AZ on February 23, 2022 from 3-5:30pm and the second portion will be a fully virtual presenter to virtual audience colloquium hosted via Zoom on February 24, 2022 from 3-5:30pm.

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the Journal of Instructional Research. We humbly thank you for 10 years of scholarly dialogue concerning innovative teaching, learning and assessment strategies in higher education. It has been our pleasure to be part of the research journey for so many talented scholars. To learn more click here:

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

THINK!: The THINK program is designed specifically for faculty who are interested in researching aspects of teaching and learning and would like to further develop their ideas.
•THINK is an 8-week series of modules designed to assist faculty in developing SoTL projects.
•A deliverable is completed within each module of the 8 week series that receives expert feedback and directly contributes to the development of a SoTL research study.
•Think sessions start monthly, meet once a week for one hour.
•To inquire for the next start date click here.

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

Award winners for the Teaching Showcase were nominated and selected as a function of their proven success and innovation in the classroom in relation to excellence in teaching. Teaching excellence is viewed broadly across a wide range of relevant domains.

Photo of Helen HammondOffline

The Research Consultation program is designed to support GCU faculty conducting scholarly research. Research consultants are available to brainstorm, assist with development of research ideas, provide feedback on research proposals or methodology, and assist with data analysis. We also help with draft review and working with making adjustments to manuscripts based on peer review comments. To schedule a research consultation click here:

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