An Exploratory Study Examining Perceptions of Mindfulness and Current Mindful Practices among Christian University Students

Elizabeth Valenti, Grand Canyon University


Mindfulness is an important metric of human functioning that has been a topic of cultural and academic attention over the past 30 years (Spijkerman et al., 2016) and can help to elevate one’s awareness and internal psychological experience (Wielgosz et al., 2019). To date, there remains an absence of literature examining perceptions of mindfulness and mindful practices among college students, particularly among Christian students. The purpose of this mixed-methods, exploratory study was to better understand students’ perception of mindfulness and assess current mindful practices. The participants (N = 107) were freshmen undergraduate college students enrolled in introductory psychology courses at a private, non-profit Christian university. Students completed a 9-question researcher-developed Mindfulness Awareness, Perception, and Practices questionnaire to assess perceptions and practices. Results of the thematic analysis revealed that approximately half of the students had a limited understanding of mindfulness, with several reporting disadvantages. Most students listed prayer as a consistent practice, with a much lesser percentage of students consistently engaging in other mindful activities. Implications for mindfulness education and the promotion of evidence-based methods, particularly among Christian communities, are discussed. 

Keywords: mindfulness, mindful practices, perception, thematic analysis, Christian university students, mental health, mixed-methods 

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