Professional Development Needs for TVET College Novice Lecturers: Transitioning to Higher Education

Buhle Stella Nhlumayo, University of the Free State 

Sbongile C. O. Shandu, University of Zululand 


The objective of this paper is to explore the professional development needs of novice lecturers in three selected Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in South Africa as they transition from different industries into the higher education sector. The methodology of collecting data was individual face-to-face interviews. The study participants were six novice lecturers and three TVET college managers, who were selected purposefully. The study is underpinned by an adult learning theory, which argues that adult learners have accumulated life experiences and knowledge and require structured programs that have clearly defined outputs. The paper responded to two research questions: What are the professional development needs of novice lecturers in a TVET college, and how does college management respond to the professional development needs of novice lecturers? Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The findings indicate that pedagogic and classroom management skills were the basic needs of novice lecturers through professional development programs. In light of the findings, the study suggests capacity-building for college management to respond appropriately to the induction and mentoring needs of novice lecturers as well as the provision of internally conducted and structured professional development programs. 

Keywords: novice lecturers, professional development, mentoring, induction, higher education

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