Meet the Director

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Thomas D. Dyer, PhD: Professor, Department of Online Teaching and Learning, Grand Canyon University, [email protected] 

Thomas D. Dyer, PhD is a professor in the Department of Online Teaching and Learning at Grand Canyon University, bringing over 16 years of extensive experience in higher education and online education to his role. He earned his Ph.D. with a dissertation titled "Online Full-time Faculty Descriptions of Social Presence: A Development of Social Presence Literacy," demonstrating his commitment to advancing knowledge in the field. Dr. Dyer's research is centered on investigating student engagement, participation, and community connection within the online classroom, with a specific focus on social presence strategies. His work explores innovative approaches to integrating community cohesion, online proximity, and social presence literacy through thoughtful and deliberate technology integration. Dr. Dyer is a passionate educator, dedicated advocate, prolific researcher, published author, and presenter in the arena of online education and social presence literacy.

Social Presence Publications

Dyer, T. & Mandernach, B.J. (2024). 12 “No Skips” Approaches for Developing Social Presence Literacy in Virtual Education, eLearn Magazine.

Dyer, T., Aroz, R.J., & Mandernach, B.J. (June 2023). 1 Interactive Approach to Gamify the Online Classroom, eLearn Magazine.

Thomas Dyer, & R. Jacob Aroz. (2022). Motivating and Engaging Students: Reflections on Gamifying Online Courses Through a Digital Badging Program. Journal of Scholarly Engagement, 5(2), 44–55.

Dyer, T. D. (2022). Online Full-Time Faculty Descriptions of Social Presence: A Development of Social Presence Literacy (Order No. 28963465). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Grand Canyon University. (2624214092).

Dyer, T., Aroz, J., & Larson, E. (2018). Proximity in the online classroom: Engagement, relationships, and personalization. Journal of Instructional Research, 7, 108-118 

Evans, S., Steele, J.P, Robertson, S., Dyer, T. (2017) Personalizing post titles in the online classroom: A best practice? Journal of Educators Online, 14 (2).

Dyer, T., Steele, J.P, Larson, E., & Holbeck, R. (2015). Integrating technology into the online classroom through collaboration to increase student motivation. Journal of Instructional Research, 4, 126-133.

Dyer, T., & Steele, J.P. (2014). Use of KWLs in the online classroom as it correlates to increased participation. Journal of Instructional Research, 3, 8-14.

Dyer, T., & Steele, J.P. (2014). Assessing what your students know, want to know, and have learned. Faculty Focus.

Steele, J.P, Dyer, T., Larson, E., & Holbeck, R. (2014). Integrating technology into the online classroom, Part I. Faculty Focus.

Steele, J.P, Dyer, T., Larson, E., & Holbeck, R. (2014). Integrating technology into the online classroom, Part II. Faculty Focus.

Social Presence Presentations

Dyer, T., (2024, February). Southern Hospitality Meets Cyber Civility: Unraveling the Enigma of Online Social Presence. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Aroz, J., & Dyer, T.D. (2023, June). The Metacognitive Files: Faculty Reflection of Online Teaching. Presentation at The Online Teaching Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Steele, J., & Dyer, T. (2023, February). What Takes Priority in the Online Classroom: Faculty and Student Perceptions. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Aroz, J., & Dyer, T. (2023, February). These Are My Reflections: Metacognitive Approach to Online Teaching. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T. (2022, March). Level Up: Gamifying Your Classroom with UDL: NAU Spring 2022 Faculty Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Dyer, T. (2022, March). Level Up: Gamifying Your Classroom. FAB Virtual Workshop (3), Phoenix, AZ.

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2022, February). Level Up: Gamifying Your Online Course with Digital Badges. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment Conference, 2022, (Invited) Virtual

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2022, February). Level Up Learning: Gamifying Online Assessment with Quizizz. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2021, August). Level Up: Gamifying Your Online Course with Digital Badges. DT&L Conference, 2021, Virtual

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2020, May). Pop Quizizz: Using Web 2.0 Tools to Gamify Your Course. Accepted Presentation at The Teaching Professor Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Dyer, T. (2020, May) Level Up! An Introduction to Digital Badges. FAB Workshop Follow Up Discussion (3 weeks). Phoenix, AZ

Dyer, T. (2020, April). Level Up! An Introduction to Digital Badges. FAB Virtual Workshop (3), Phoenix, AZ.

Dyer, T., Aroz, J., & Koukoudeas, S. (2020, February). Gamifying Online Assessment: Student Perceptions of Quizizz to Enhance Learning. Accepted Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2019, January). Level up! Digital badges to motivate students. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2018, June). Close encounters of the student kind: Perceptions of instructor proximity. Presentation at The Teaching Professor Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Dyer, T., Larson, E., & Aroz, J. (2017, March). Now You See Me: Using Remind to Achieve Proximity Online. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T. (2017, Fall). The Story of Us: Faculty Social Presence and Proximity. Faculty Pecha Kucha Presentation. Phoenix, AZ.

Dyer, T., Steele, J.P. (2016, March). Making the cut: Student perceptions of animated videos. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

Dyer, T., & Aroz, J. (2015, October). Virtual proximity: Three factors that affect the perception of mobility. Poster Presentation at The Teaching Professor Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Dyer, T., Larson, E., & Aroz, J. (2015, March). Where are you? A model of proximity in the online classroom. Presentation at SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA.

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