CIRT Faculty


B. Jean Mandernach, PhD

Executive Director
[email protected] 

Helen Hammond, PhD

Senior Program Manager
[email protected] 

Morgan McNaughton, MS

Program Manager
[email protected] 

To contact the CIRT Office:

Faculty Research and Advisory Committees

CIRT Faculty Advisory Board

  • Provide a steering/coordinating function on GCU faculty research initiatives.
  • Provide information on select GCU faculty teaching and research achievements, to be showcased on the CIRT website.
  • Nominate faculty from each college to receive Distinguished Faculty Scholar Awards. 

Faculty Research and Development Committee

  • Determines Faculty Research Grant awards

Faculty Training and Development Advisory Board Committee

  • Guide professional development content and delivery modes, including faculty developed and faculty led workshops and events.
  • Select topics for a Faculty Speaker Series.
  • Choose faculty to attend professional conferences and workshops based on faculty submitted proposals
  • Develop faculty discussion board topics.
  • Meet monthly with Faculty Training & Development to discuss initiatives.
For information on faculty resources or other GCU Polices See: Faculty Resources

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