SoTL Research Foundations: Instrumentation and Data Sources


Planning Instrumentation and Data Sources

1. Define the research problem and objectives clearly. If the research problem is understanding the effect of active learning strategies on student engagement in online courses, the objective might be to measure the frequency and quality of student interactions in discussion forums.

2. Identify key variables to be measured based on the research problem. In this case, key variables could include the number of posts in discussion forums (independent variable) and student engagement levels measured by a survey (dependent variable).

3. Select instruments that are reliable and valid for measuring these variables. For instance, choose a validated student engagement survey like the NSSE to measure engagement levels and use the LMS analytics tool to count discussion posts. 

4. Ensure that the chosen instruments align with the theoretical framework. As an example, if the study is based on constructivist theory, ensure the instruments measure active learning and student interaction, which are core components of the theory. 

5. Consider the availability and accessibility of data sources within the teaching environment. For example, confirm that the LMS used in your online course can provide data on student login frequency and discussion participation. 

6. Evaluate the feasibility of data collection methods for both face-to-face and online settings. In a face-to-face setting, use classroom observation protocols and student attendance records; in an online setting, use automated analytics and digital surveys. Prepare descriptions of surveys, observational tools, as well as how they will be administered without disrupting classroom activities. Specifics should include the study’s purpose, which classes/sections will be selected, the learning modality, the variables of interest, and how the data will be retrieved or collected. Avoid collecting personal student information. 

Prior to Using Data


7. Site Authorization. If you are using any data from Grand Canyon University, even if you think you own that data, you need to complete Site Authorization. This involves first seeking Dean approval and then submitting an online form to the Department of Research and Grants. If you are given approval to use the data, you may proceed to the next steps. Learn more about GCU Site Authorization.

8. Ensure that all data collection methods comply with IRB requirements. Prepare an IRB proposal that includes details on how you will obtain informed consent from students participating in surveys and how you will protect their data privacy. Learn more about GCU IRB.


9. Obtain informed consent from participants and ensure data confidentiality. Provide students with a consent form explaining the study's purpose, how their data will be used, and measures taken to ensure confidentiality.

10. Submit a detailed proposal to the IRB for approval, outlining instruments, data sources, and ethical considerations. Include in your IRB proposal the use of the NSSE survey, LMS data analytics, and the process for obtaining student consent and ensuring data security.

11. Regularly review and refine data collection methods to maintain alignment with research objectives. Periodically check the data collected from the LMS and survey responses to ensure they are accurately capturing student engagement and make adjustments if necessary.

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