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What is SoTL?
As highlighted by Huber and Hutchings (2005), the goals of SoTL are to:
- Transform the culture of college teaching by doing challenging, intellectual work that poses interesting, consequential questions.
- Invite faculty from all disciplines and fields to identify and explore these questions in their own teaching, especially in their students' learning, and to do so in ways that are shared with colleagues who can build on new insights.
- Promote scholarly work to improve instruction.
- Capture the work of teaching and learning in ways that can be built upon, so it is not lost.
SoTL has generalized relevance and significance across all of higher education. As such, SoTL is an interdisciplinary endeavor that is not bound by student level or mode of teaching. The complex nature of student learning mandates a range of questions, theories and methods to capture the various facets of the learning experience.
Please see the links to the left for more specific information about SoTL
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