2012 Volume 1 (Issue 1)


2012 - Volume 1 (1) - Symposium on Social Responsibility and Service

           Individual articles can be accessed below. The full volume of the journal is available at the following link:

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility and the Morality of Profits

Swinton W. Hudson, Jr.

The argument within this paper is whether Corporate Social Responsibility and the Morality of Profits can or should be adhered to and applied within any business venture.  The theoretical concepts and application of social responsibility and the potential positive and negative affects on profits is addressed, as well as which may be more advantageous to a business and why.  The reader should draw a conclusion as to the effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and understand the potential factors affecting profitability and the stakeholders.

Revolutionary Rx: Servant Leadership and the Pharmaceuticals Industry

Michelle Hutchison


The global pharmaceuticals market is plagued by a long history of ethical violations as drug companies struggle to balance a duty towards maintaining the public good and ensuring their own profitability. As pharmaceutical companies dabble in the emerging market of specialty drug development, opportunities for socially responsible business practices are coming to the forefront. By incorporating servant leadership methods into business activities and adopting a new operations model, pharmaceutical companies can revolutionize the industry by caring for the needs of diverse stakeholder groups.

Gain as an Ethical Imperative

Albert G. Ceren, IV


Is profit socially responsible?  Such is the question asked in our current culture.  This paper seeks to answer the question from a Christian worldview utilizing a Biblical basis and critical thinking.  The concept is considered from a modern as well as historical standpoint with a focus on establishing a framework based in a scriptural setting.  What does God say about profit?  In a Christian worldview all rationale is subject to that response.  Each of the following are taken into account: the definition of profit; its place in the worldview; the considerations of evil; motive power and self-governance of markets; and the Christian involvement in business.  Finally, a thorough study on the scriptural use of the term is detailed.


Promoting Community Service and Global Awareness through Gamucation

Laura A. Sharp


Technology is changing and affecting the world around us from all angles.  Research has shown that digital games can incorporate critical thinking, social interaction, and global issues supporting community service (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson & Gee, 2004).  Games fuse together caring and knowledge of values and social issues (Shaffer et al., 2004).  By creating a movement in educational transformation, it will be necessary to use sophisticated technology with today's students and gaming is one of the original vehicles for education technology (Crawford, 1984; Jones, 2003).  This type of global educational approach assists students in becoming socially responsible as world citizens (Pike & Selby, 1988).  The tendency has been to utilize edutainment, which focuses on the entertainment factor; however, there is a new option - Gamucation.  Gamucation is a fusion of digital gaming and education that promotes, attracts, engages, motivates, and helps student retain information to increase learning.  The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how Gamucation promotes community service and global awareness among students.

The Lived Experiences of General and Special Education Teachers In Inclusion Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study

Rinyka Allison


Inclusion in public schools involves providing the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities.  A lack of understanding often exists among general and special education teachers in relation to the implementation of inclusion in general education classrooms. The focus of this phenomenological study was to describe the daily lived experiences of 4 general and 4 special education elementary school teachers who taught in an inclusion setting in a large urban district in the southeastern United States. The conceptual framework for this study was based on Glasser's concept of an individual's quality world (Glasser, 1998). Key findings revealed that participants believed successful implementation of inclusion is dependent on professional development opportunities, administrator support, and mutual respect between general and special education teachers.  Implications for positive social change are that general education teachers may be more receptive to integrating students with disabilities in the general education setting, and special education teachers may take a more active role in the implementation of inclusion.

Putting God Back into Work: Calling, Vocation, and Service to the Divine

Ted Cross


Notions of meaningful work are often associated with the sense of work calling. While secular versions of calling are popular in academic research, the religiously rooted notion of vocation has not been as common. This paper argues that the construct of callings in general is rooted in classical vocational traditions. Further, that for people of faith, vocation can provide a more holistic approach to meaningful work through the marrying of the spiritual with the secular. Hence, for those influenced by spiritual notions of work; the combination of work and spirituality can culminate in the expression of vocation as service to the divine. Last, the paper ends with a call for more research in the area or vocation and religiously motivated persons in the workplace.  

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