GCU Journals

GCU publishes a number of different journals to support the scholarly community and promote the dissemination of research both within and beyond the campus community. The range of journals available ensures that there is an appropriate outlet for all topics, disciplines and research methodologies.

CIRT Journals

The Journal of Educators Online (JEO) is a biannual publication that highlights research in the broad area of Computer Mediated Learning (CML) which includes distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended and mobile learning.  

The Journal of Instructional Research (JIR) is an annual publication that highlights faculty research relevant to best practices in post-secondary instruction. JIR has a unique two-stage evaluation process with public peer review and interactive discussion followed by a final formalized peer review. 

The Canyon Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (CJIS) is an online annual publication highlighting exemplary student and faculty research completed at GCU. It is now longer published.

GCU Journals

The Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (JBTS) is an academic journal focused on the fields of Bible and Theology from an inter-denominational point of view. JBTS seeks to provide high-level scholarship and research to both scholars and students, which results in original scholarship that is readable and accessible.

Startlebloom  is a literary review composed of student work. The review contains poetry and short fictions, as well as artwork and photography. 

The Journal of Scholarly Engagement (JSE) provides faculty with an academic outlet to document, share, and disseminate scholarship primarily in Boyer’s domains/functions of application and integration.

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CJIS Home: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/about

Submission Information: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/submissions

Submit Manuscript: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/submissionform

Past Volume: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/past

Current Volume: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/2020_8_1

JBTS Home: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/publication_presentation/gcujournals/cjis/2020_8_1

JEO Home: https://www.thejeo.com/

JIR Home: https://cirt.gcu.edu/jir

JSE Home: https://scholarlyengagement.com/


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