Public Health Snippets

Dr. Dulce Maria Ruelas is dedicated to promoting health prevention and health education. She has been an activist for human rights to the Latino population for the past 20 years.  Dr. Ruelas has committed herself to improve collaboration, partnerships, and community capacity for children and their families. Her areas of expertise are breastfeeding, maternal-child health, early childhood education, and higher learning. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and Breastfeeding counselor. Dr. Ruelas currently teaches in the Master of Public Health program for Grand Canyon University and is the Maternal Child Health Advisor for Latinx Voces.                                                      

 Danielle Henderson received her Master of Public Health from Emory University in 2015.  She spent three years working in healthcare and education as a program evaluator and data analyst before venturing into the world of academia. As a professor, Danielle likes to integrate technology into the classroom to help students apply concepts to real world scenarios.  

Danielle is passionate about health and wellness and was inspired to pursue a career in public health because of its focus on prevention. In her spare time, Danielle enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, being outdoors, and listening to podcasts. 


Through reviewing this presentation, faculty can learn how to take video utilization in the online classroom to the next level. Dr. Dulce Ruelas and Professor Danielle Henderson have created “Public Health Snippets”, a YouTube Channel with short videos (in 15 min snippets or less) that are used as an instructional strategy to increase public health student engagement and further critical thinking and student learning. The goal of the channel is to highlight different public health issues, grad student life, and learning on an online platform. As co-hosts, the faculty created a safe space to challenge the status quo, reflect and have lively discussions.

To date, the co-hosts have created 45 views, and the channel has 2,177 views and 142 subscribers. The most watched video titled “Our experiences searching for jobs in public health” has 215 views.  Written comments from students in the classroom, as well as mention of the videos in End of Course surveys provide evidence the strategy is effective. 

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Jean Mandernach  -  1 Reply  -  2 years ago

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