2013 Conference



Pop-Quiz CATS: Checking for Understanding using PollDaddy Quizzes

Presenter: Beverly Santelli

The purpose of this mini-session is to share a convenient and useful way of using pop-quizzes as CATS in the classroom. This strategy utilizes PollDaddy and the quiz feature to easily place quizzes in your classes based on objectives that students often miss and gives immediate feedback to students and instructor. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

PhD: The Journey to Completion

Presenters: Angella Mundle, Brenda Combs, Candace Hughes, Kendra Williamson-Henriques, and Sylvia Harkins

The doctoral journey can be an overwhelming, frustrating, but an exciting life changing experience. The presenters will share experiences, tips, and suggestions that may offer some insight to the EdD/PhD journey.

Helping ESL Students in the Online Classroom

Presenters: Laura Walker, Jan Wakefield, and Mary Beth Nipp

There are special challenges in helping online students whose first language may not be English. Our presentation will help online instructors potentially identify ESL students and their needs. We will discuss special challenges associated with online ESL and ways to accommodate them. Specific strategies and resources will be shared.

Making LoudCloud Work for You: Shortcuts to Make Your Teaching More Efficient

Presenter: Andrew McBroom

In this interactive presentation, we will explore the latest strategies, trends, and methodologies related to LoudCloud with the ultimate goal of making your teaching more efficient. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Tips, Tricks, and Tools to Help You Use Microsoft Outlook and Word

Presenter: Andrew McBroom

This presentation will explore tips, tricks, and tools to make your use of Microsoft Outlook and Word more effective and efficient.  Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Dancing With the Source: How to Incorporate Sources and Use Citations Correctly

Presenters: Russell Tiedt, Jennifer Chinn, Laura Walker, and Rebecca Foy

The purpose of this mini-lesson is to provide instructors with usable information regarding the use of sources and citations. Each segment of the presentation provides valuable information, examples, and interactive activities that instructors can readily use in their classrooms.

Responsiveness vs. Reactivity: Using Mindfulness to Enhance your Presence in the Online Classroom

Presenters: Marilyn Mussomeli, Marcie Burger, Rebecca Richey, Ron Roussel, and Charmaine Jake-Matthews

This presentation will provide mindfulness strategies that will help instructors respond more effectively to students in the online classroom.

Getting Accepted: A Conference Proposal Writing Workshop

Presenter: Meredith DeCosta

Want to get accepted to present at a regional, national, or international conference but don't know where to begin? Join Meredith for a writing workshop that will discuss the submission process, give you tips on how to get your proposals accepted, and allow you to begin the drafting process. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Mentoring Students in Applying Self-Assessment of Learning Techniques

Presenter: Tanya Rountree

The objective of this presentation is to discuss the potential benefits of mentoring students in the self-assessment of their learning, along with sharing techniques and examples of student self-assessment strategies.

Serving Learning in the Online Classroom

Presenters: Michelle Griego and Andrea Hogan

We will be presenting on service learning in the online classroom. Civic engagement helps online students feel more engaged in their college community and demonstrates Christian values outside of the classroom.  We will be speaking about how OFTF can promote service learning inside of their online classes to exemplify GCU's mission, vision and four pillars.

"Where Do I Even Begin?": A Workshop to Help You Develop a Useable Research Question

Presenters: Emily Bergquist, Meredith DeCosta, and Rick Holbeck

The purpose of this interactive mini-lesson is to help you discover, craft, and fine tune a research question that is applicable to your field, as well as your professional aspirations. In this presentation, we will lead you step-by-step through an engaging series of activities designed to help you build your ideal research question. Join this presentation to gain unique insights into the art of developing a research question. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

PHI 105: Persuading the Public Since… Well, Always

Presenters: Tom Dyer, Elizabeth Larson, and John Steele

This presentation is content specific. We will be updating PHI faculty on the upcoming changes to the PHI 105 course with a planned roll out of January 2014. We will review the major changes of the course including the eBook. We will also present the two new interactive websites created by us in conjunction with AWS geared towards assisting students in writing the Persuasive essay and Fallacies assignment.

Welcome Videos

Presenter: Woody Mason

Attendees will learn the value of welcome call videos, understand how to create welcome call videos, and understand how to use them in an online classroom. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Integrating the International

Presenter: Thomas Joseph

A growing percentage of GCU students are first generation international immigrants. These individuals, many of whom possess immense ambitions, bring significant contributions to the culture of the United States. What steps can we take to integrate these students into mainstream culture while helping them still cultivate their way of life for posterity?

"Where Do I Even Begin?": A Workshop to Help You Develop a Useable Research Question

Presenters: Emily Bergquist, Meredith DeCosta, and Rick Holbeck

The purpose of this interactive mini-lesson is to help you discover, craft, and fine tune a research question that is applicable to your field, as well as your professional aspirations. In this presentation, we will lead you step-by-step through an engaging series of activities designed to help you build your ideal research question. Join this presentation to gain unique insights into the art of developing a research question. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Do You Jing?

Presenter: Renee Cooperman

Strategic use of voice and video recordings supplement an online class in at least three ways: conveying a "good" voice for the instructor, satisfying students who present complicated questions, and providing an alternative learning mode for students who sometimes need an alternative to reading all their material. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

Own the Phone: Communicate Effectively and Compliantly

Presenter: Alan Guthrie

This training will provide faculty members with fun and practical strategies to take charge of and control phone conversations, keep conversations with students on track, and comply with FERPA requirements.

Two Point Ohhh:  The Doorway to Creativity

Presenters: Bryce Budoff

Web 2.0 has opened the doors for creative interactivity.  This workshop emphasizes the importance of creativity across the curriculum.  Participants will take a hands-on field trip through a variety of Web 2.0 sites guaranteed to inspire and massage the right side of the brain. Please bring laptops to this presentation!   

COE: Creating Lesson Plans in Taskstream

Presenters: Carrie O'Donnell and Katy Long

The purpose of this interactive presentation is to show online instructors for the College of Education how students can create lesson plans in Taskstream. In this presentation, participants will need their laptops, as they will have the opportunity to create an example lesson plan specific to their subject area using the tools in Taskstream. The lesson plans can be exported as a PDF and submitted to Turnitin, as Turnitin now reads PDFs. Join this presentation for ideas on helping our students plan effective lessons using the tools available in Taskstream. Please bring laptops to this presentation!

"How Do I Get All This Done on Time?" A Workshop on Effective Time Management

Presenter: Sheila Lees

The purpose of this interactive mini-lesson is to help OFTF learn and understand an effective time management strategy. There are multiple expectations for OFTF to complete each day, this workshop will lead you through a sequence of activities to help you find a suitable time management strategy in order to meet your OFTF expectations.

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