
Social Presence Literacy Explorers

Social Presence Literacy Explorers are passionate learners embarking on their journey to master social presence. This tier offers a gateway to building a strong foundation in social presence literacy, connecting you with the latest insights and resources.


  • Exclusive Quarterly Newsletter: Stay informed with updates, research highlights, and curated resources on social presence.
  • Priority Access: Enjoy early access to public webinars and workshops, giving you a head start on the latest developments.
  • Engage in Community Forums: Join vibrant online discussions with peers and experts, sharing ideas and experiences.
  • Badge of Participation: Proudly display your commitment to professional growth with an official digital badge from the lab.

Pathway to Ambassador:
 After one year as an Explorer, you can apply to advance to the Ambassador tier, where you’ll have opportunities to deepen your engagement and influence.

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Home: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2

SPL Framework: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2/framework

Programs & Resources: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2/programs__resources

Discussion: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2/discussion

Pathway: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2/pathway

Meet the Director: https://cirt.gcu.edu/home/spl2/director


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Viewed 151 times