
Archives for May 2014 « Recent Articles

Photo of Shanna HusligOffline

Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

Photo of Shanna HusligOffline

An article by online faculty member Crystal McCabe and Ben Vilkas, an online full-time faculty manager, has been published on the Faculty Focus blog.

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

Digital Scholarship, E-Content, and more.

Photo of IABE SecretariatOffline

Photo of Shanna HusligOffline

JNSD Call for Papers!

By Shanna Huslig – 1 Comment

The Journal of Non-Significant Differences is a student led, peer-reviewed journal designed to highlight the value of non-significant research findings while providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of the research cycle and the publication process.

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

The International Leadership Association and the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond invite submissions for the 2014 Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award. Submissions can be on any topic and from any discipline as long as they demonstrate substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership. To be eligible for the competition, applicants must have received their Ph.D. between July 1, 2012 and July 1, 2014.

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

International Leadership Association Call for Papers
Editors Matthew Sowcik (BLB 2015) and Kathryn Goldman Schuyler (BLB 2016) will be holding separate conference calls to field questions from potential submitters to their respective books!

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