
Archives for March 2012 « Recent Articles


GCU Honors Symposium on Diversity

By Jean Mandernach

Grand Canyon University Fall 2012 Honors Symposium on Diversity
Sponsored by the Eta Chi Chapter, Delta Mu Delta
Ken Blanchard College of Business


Thoughts on Teaching

By Jean Mandernach

The Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching (CIRT) is pleased to announce a new scholarly teaching resource: Thoughts on Teaching. Thoughts on Teaching (TOT) features the expertise of our GCU fulltime, online faculty to promote excellence in online teaching and learning.


A Vision of Students Today

By Jean Mandernach – 1 Comment

The following video was created to capture the essence of the modern learner:


In response to peer pressure, student requests or simple curiosity, many instructors are contemplating the integration of multimedia into their online courses. But, the desire to create flashy, interactive, multimedia rich courses is one that must be balanced with pedagogical thoughtfulness.

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