
Archives for January 2012 « Recent Articles


Canyon Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

By Jean Mandernach

The Canyon Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is soliciting submissions for Volume 1, Issue 2 (the “Open” issue). Monographs on all subjects are invited; special consideration will be given to topics relating Christianity to any academic discipline. Essays by faculty, staff, students, and alumni of Grand Canyon University, as well as those of other interested contributors, are invited.


Holmes Scholars Program

By Jean Mandernach

The Holmes Scholars Program provides mentorship, peer support, and rich professional development opportunities to doctoral students from underrepresented backgrounds who are pursuing careers in education.


Engage in a community of online teaching scholars and attend the 2012 Sloan-C Online Education Research Symposium Series (virtual conference).


Online Teaching Showcase

By Jean Mandernach

You are invited to contribute to the 2012 Online Teaching Showcase focusing on CRITICAL THINKING. For more information (including submission timeline and requirements), see the call for papers at


What lies in the future of online education? Watch the following video in which Dr. Kathy Player discusses trends for virtual learning:

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