
Archives for September 2011 « Recent Articles


Check out MERLOT!

By Jean Mandernach

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching) provides a host of FREE materials, resources and links to enhance your teaching and professional practice.


Travel, Teaching and Research Grants

By Jean Mandernach

The GCU Faculty Scholarly Engagement and Research Grant program is designed to support innovations in research, teaching, creative work, and the scholarly activities of GCU faculty. The program offers individual and collaborative research grants to support faculty research, teaching and professional engagement in all disciplines. Full-time, part-time, campus-based and online faculty are eligible to apply for available grants.


Web 2.0 in the Classroom: Is it worth all the hype?

By Jean Mandernach

Web 2.0 is all the rage in education... in the words of Apple, if you have a classroom challenge or issue, "there's an app for that". In a nutshell, Web 2.0 applications are simply online software that runs directly from the host browser, typically with no downloads or installs involved. And, the best part for budget-strapped educators... Web 2.0 applications are often free! But, are the educational benefits available via Web 2.0 applications worth all the hype?


Wow... information overload!

By Jean Mandernach

As we move into the second month of CIRT's online presence, one of the most common comments/questions that I receive is "Wow... you have a lot of good information on this website. How do I possibly keep up with it all?" The answer to this question is simple... you don't have to!


Copyright and Fair Use in Higher Education

By Jean Mandernach – 1 Comment

A recent article in Academic Impressions highlights concerns about Fair Use and Copyright as it applies to higher education.

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