September 12, 2011
members are following updates on this item.
The purpose of CIRT is to be a resource to faculty... as such, we strive to be here to facilitate your excellence in being a college faculty member! With this broad goal, it isn't surprising that we have some information on the website that you may find very valuable and other information that you don't find relevant to your particular career path. You can customize your experience on the CIRT website to meet your own professional goals... if there is a blog or an area of the website that you find uniquely valuable to what you do, you can "follow" this area to receive email notification when something is added or changed. You can also simply set your bookmark to take you directly to the area of the website that contains the information you find most useful. Finally, there is a search box in the upper right hand corner that allows you to search the entire website using just a keyword.
So, if you have a few minutes, jump in and browse around... but if you are short on time, feel free to use a shortcut to help you to efficiently and effectively find the material that is most relevant to your professional needs.
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