
Archives for August 2011 « Recent Articles


Scholarship was reconsidered. Tenure, not so much.

That's the conclusion of a new book, The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered: Institutional Integration and Impact (Jossey-Bass), the latest in a series of examinations by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching of the impact (potential and realized) of the late Ernest Boyer's 1990 work, Scholarship Reconsidered.


12-Weeks to Submission

By Jean Mandernach

Have a data set that you need to get working on? Still looking to publish your dissertation? Join us for "12-Weeks to Submission"!


The Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching (CIRT), in collaboration with the Faculty Training department at GCU, would like to invite you to attend a new interactive webinar series that will focus on Multimedia Instructional Strategies for Teaching (MIST). Feel free to attend any of the following MIST webinars to learn new techniques for making your online classroom more dynamic and engaging. These webinars cover the 2011-2012 Academic Year so mark your calendar.


The "12-weeks to Submission" writing series will kick off on September 5, 2011. This writing series is designed to facilitate journal manuscript submission for those that have a completed research study, theoretical idea or review project... so, dig out those old files, grab your computer and join us in cyberspace for a guided journey on transforming your archives into publishable material!

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