
Archives for December 2011 « Recent Articles



Online Teaching Showcase

By Jean Mandernach

You are invited to contribute to the 2012 Online Teaching Showcase focusing on CRITICAL THINKING. For more information (including submission timeline and requirements), see the call for papers at


Preparing for the Tablet Explosion

By Jean Mandernach

With tablet technology rapidly improving and early pilot programs revealing benefits of tablets on campus, many institutions are forming a plan for integrating tablets into the classroom, including replacing textbooks with more affordable e-texts that can be viewed on the devices. Here is what some universities are doing and what they have discovered through pilot programs.


$500 Research Stipends available for JIR

By Jean Mandernach – 1 Comment

GCU is pleased to offer $500 SoTL research stipends for accepted manuscript to the Journal of Instructional Research. To be eligible for the SoTL research stipend, your initial manuscript submission must be received by December 16, 2011. You will receive feedback on your original submission by January 6, 2012; revised manuscripts are due on January 13, 2012.

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