SoTL Research Foundations: The Research Question

Checklist for Developing a Research Question

1. Ensure Significance

  • Address an important issue in teaching and learning.
  • Contribute to improving educational practices or understanding.

Example: "How does integrating technology in the classroom affect student engagement and learning outcomes in undergraduate science courses?"

2. Maintain Clarity

  • Formulate a precise and specific research question.
  • Clearly define the population, intervention, and outcomes of interest.

Example: "How does the use of formative assessments impact student motivation and performance in undergraduate algebra courses?"

3. Verify Researchability

  • Ensure the research question can be answered within the constraints of available resources, time, and expertise.
  • Focus on measurable or observable outcomes.

 Example: "What effects do differentiated instructional approaches have for students with diverse learning needs in graduate-level online courses?" 

4. Conduct a Literature Review

  • Review existing literature to understand the current state of research in the area of interest.
  • Identify gaps or unanswered questions that the research could address.

5. Define Scope and Context

  • Keep the scope of the research question manageable within the classroom or educational setting.
  • Clearly define the context and boundaries of the study.

6. Iterate and Refine

  • Revisit and refine the research question based on feedback and further reflection.
  • Align the question with research objectives and goals.

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SoTL Helper (AI - POE external):

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Research Consultation:


Generative AI and the RQ:

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