Application: Need

SoTL Research Foundations: Developing a Need for Research

Review of the Literature

 To conduct a comprehensive literature review, researchers should begin by identifying relevant databases and search terms. An exhaustive search of the literature ensures that the proposed research is novel. If the research extends or replicates previous studies, it should clearly build on past findings and address any identified gaps. Researchers should organize their findings thematically, summarizing key studies and identifying trends, contradictions, and gaps in the literature. This process helps frame the research problem and justify the study's need.

Theoretical Framework

Investigating theoretical frameworks involves reviewing relevant theories and models related to the research problem. Researchers should compare various theories to select the one that best explains the phenomenon of interest. The chosen theory will dictate which variables to measure and ensure that instruments align with the theoretical framework. This process involves critically evaluating the applicability of different theories and selecting the one that provides the most comprehensive and relevant explanation for the research problem.


Quantitative Methodology

Applying quantitative methodology involves several practical steps. First, quantitative methodology is an objective approach, ensuring the research problem is approached impartially. This involves clearly defining variables and ensuring measurements are accurate and reliable. It also requires that all research parameters are defined and described before data collection and analysis.

Quantitative research is also founded on an appropriate theoretical framework that guides the research design and interpretation of results. The theory defines the variables and how they should interact, offering a predictable outcome based on the nature of the phenomenon. The theory may be considered the thread that connects all aspects of the research together, supporting the variables, the instruments, the population, the analysis, and the outcomes.

The deductive paradigm, inherent to most quantitative research, allows one to formulate hypotheses based on the theoretical framework and design the study to test these hypotheses. This involves specifying independent and dependent variables and selecting appropriate statistical tests. The deductive paradigm also allows one to defend or refute the theory based on empirical evidence.

Quantitative research achieves objectivity, in part through well-tested instrumentation. It implements valid and reliable instruments for data collection, which ensures that the data accurately reflects the constructs being studied. Once the data are collected, the SoTL researcher uses statistical analysis to test the hypothesis. This requires the researcher to plan the appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data and test hypotheses, including selecting statistical tests that align with the research questions and data characteristics, ensuring that results are interpretable and meaningful.

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