Checklist: Data Collection

SoTL Research Foundations: Data Collection



Checklist for Data Collection

1. Obtain Necessary Permissions: Prepare a detailed research proposal and seek authorization from relevant authorities such as the department head, the university Office of Research and Grants, and IRB. At GCU, you will submit to Site Authorization. After you receive Site Authorization, you can proceed to the next step (IRB).

   - Example: Submit a research proposal outlining your study's objectives, methods, and ethical considerations to the department head for review and approval. It also includes descriptions of surveys, observational tools, and how they will be administered without disrupting classroom activities. Specifics should include the study’s purpose, which classes/sections will be selected, the learning modality, the variables of interest, and how the data will be retrieved or collected.

2. Obtain IRB Approval: Prepare an IRB application addressing all ethical concerns, including informed consent and participant confidentiality. 

   - Example: Highlight your plan for obtaining informed consent and how you will protect participant data in your IRB application.

3. Recruit Participants: Determine the appropriate channel to recruit participants, including flyers, announcements, emails, or virtual meetings. 

   - Example: Distribute recruitment flyers in face-to-face classes and send email invitations to students in online courses.

4. Complete Data Collection from Primary Sources: Integrate data collection tools into regular classroom activities to minimize disruption. 

   - Example: Administer surveys during class breaks or as part of regular coursework to ensure minimal impact on teaching.

5. Retrieve Data from Secondary Sources: Obtain necessary permissions and verify the accuracy and completeness of secondary data sources. At GCU, once you have Site Authorization and IRB you can work with the Office of Research and Grants for help obtaining such data.

   - Example: Secure access to end-of-course surveys and course grades from the institution's database and ensure data reliability.

6. Manage Data: Establish secure data storage solutions and implement protocols to maintain confidentiality and ethical compliance. 

   - Example: Use encrypted digital storage for electronic data and locked filing cabinets for physical data, and ensure only authorized personnel have access.

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SoTL Helper (AI - POE external):

Site Authorization:

Research Consultation:



SoTL Steps: Collect Data:

RR: Collect in Qualitative Descriptive:

RR: Collect in Mixed Methods:


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