
The SoTL Collaborator Badge is awarded to faculty members who actively collaborate with colleagues, departments, or institutions to promote and advance the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through joint research projects, interdisciplinary initiatives, or community engagement efforts. This rubric evaluates collaborative activities that significantly contribute to SoTL at the institutional level.

Collaborative SoTL Projects

Level 1: Participates in at least one collaborative SoTL research project within the institution.

Level 2: Leads multiple collaborative SoTL projects involving several departments, resulting in documented outcomes like publications or presentations.

Level 3: Spearheads major collaborative SoTL research projects that have significant, institution-wide impact, with outcomes recognized regionally or nationally.

Interdisciplinary Initiatives

Level 1: Contributes to interdisciplinary SoTL initiatives that bring together faculty from different departments within the institution.

Level 2: Facilitates major interdisciplinary SoTL initiatives that have a broad impact across the institution and result in shared outcomes.

Level 3: Leads groundbreaking interdisciplinary SoTL initiatives that set standards for collaboration and result in significant enhancements to teaching and learning.

Community Engagement

Level 1: Engages in SoTL projects that connect with local community groups or schools, enhancing the institution’s community relations.

Level 2: Coordinates SoTL projects that involve extensive engagement with external communities, leading to mutual benefits and shared knowledge.

Level 3: Establishes sustained partnerships that position the institution as a leader in community-engaged SoTL work, with significant long-term impacts.

Collaborative Networks

Level 1: Is an active member of a network or consortium that focuses on collaborative SoTL efforts within the institution.

Level 2: Plays a key role in expanding or enhancing collaborative SoTL networks that impact the institution and beyond.

Level 3: Develops or leads a major collaborative network or consortium that advances SoTL on a regional or national level, influencing broader educational practices.

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