
Research Mentorship Program

CIRT encourages faculty collaboration and set up a framework to help bring faculty aiming to build their research expertise with faculty with research experience who wish to use mentoring to facilitate successful research and publication in collegiality, service to the university community and professional development.

During 2021, funding is available for select GCU Mentorship Projects where an experienced GCU Faculty Member pairs with a GCU Faculty Member who would like to build their SoTL research acumen. To inquire, please complete the form below. 

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Purple File:

Research Ready: Mentorship:


Mentorship Presentation:

Special Edition Journal of Instructional Research:

GCU Research Compliance (outside CIRT):

Additional Program Requirements:

Interest Form:


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Mentorship Resources

The Research Ready Mentorship Program (RRCP) is comprised of online modules designed to help GCU Faculty and Staff becomes more confident in their research mentorship skills.

INK, follows THINK, as a 10-week series of modules, which can serve as a framework in writing and publishing SoTL manuscripts within the Mentorship program.

 THINK can be used as a framework for the Mentorship timeline.  THINK is an 8-week series of modules designed to assist faculty in developing SoTL projects. 

Mentorship Presentation from SoTL Summit 2020

JIR, The Journal of Instructional Research, has a call for papers for the 2022 Special Edition: First Time Authors. This may be a potential journal for publishing research resulting from the mentorship.

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