Program Requirements

Mentorship Program Requirement 

For those participating in the mentorship program:

For the purposes of the formal program, a mentor is a GCU Faculty Member who has published research, a mentee is a GCU faculty member who has not published research.

All research must follow GCU Compliance Guidelines (linked on Mentorship Homepage). We are happy to help with questions or concerns along the way to receiving the appropriate approvals.

Research must be original, SoTL research.

Access to the mentorship resources is provided by CIRT to the Mentor and Mentee, though the resources may be adapted to fit the specific needs of the collaborators. CIRT may be able to provide additional feedback/resources upon request.

CIRT will list the title of the study, the names of the mentor/mentee on

Authors do not need to acknowledge CIRT in published manuscript. We ask that you use GCU as your academic affiliation.

Upon completion of the manuscript, CIRT requests confirmation of manuscript submission to an academic journal. At that time, the mentor/mentee are asked to complete a short survey about their experience in the mentorship program.

CIRT highly recommends submitting a Research Agreement at the start of the mentorship program that highlights roles, responsibilities and a general timeline for both mentor and mentee. Some suggestions for what to include are at:

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