Speaker Lineup

Wednesday February 22rd 2022: 6th Annual Kevin McClean Research Colloquium (In Person) Sessions will begin at 3pm AZ time in the Colangelo College of Business 
A Night at the Opera: Cultural Boosterism and the Early Development of Phoenix, 1880-1920
David Dean
Moving Beyond the Mat: Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Heather Noblitt and Dulce Maria Ruelas
STAR Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation Model
Nicholas J Markette, Robert Vera, and Ronald Berman
Econ Recon: When Economics Goes to Emergency Remote Learning
Praveena Jayaraman and Helen Hammond

Monkey See…Monkey Do! Effects of Providing Python Coding Examples on Student Performance In an Introductory Computer Science Class
Richard Noll
Impact of Mask Wearing on Post Exercise Hemodynamics
Zachary Ziegler and Anthony Acevedo
Thursday, February  23th 2022: 6th Annual Kevin McClean Research Colloquium (Online) Sessions will begin at 3pm AZ time and will be held virtually: https://gcu.zoom.us/j/94455319476?pwd=QXVoYU04KzI4WDF1VlU0ajBmalVOdz09 Password: 238013
DAY 2 SESSION 1- FROM 3:00-4:30PM : https://gcu.zoom.us/j/94455319476?pwd=QXVoYU04KzI4WDF1VlU0ajBmalVOdz09 Password: 238013
Examining The Impact of Instructor Created Video Tutorials and Best Online Exemplar Teaching Practices for Successful Outcomes with First Year Visual Arts Students
Alexis Adela Chontos and John R. Kenney
An Investigation of Premature Discharges from Residential Addiction Treatment Centers in the United States in 2019
Charlotte Christie Phillips
The Survival Rates of Small Minority Businesses and The Type of Funding Received: An Exploratory Case Study
Desmond Robinson and Danielle Jackson Shields
The Importance of Psychological Need Among Mentors Preparing Women for Technology Leadership
Gwendolyn J. Young
Impact of Technology Interference with Military Couples
Janet Barnes
The Association Between Cannabis Use and The Risk of Schizophrenia Among North Carolina Youth
Linet Mutongi
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of How K-8th Grade Teachers Keep Students Actively Engaged in Learning
Marilyn Jackson
Session 2- from 4:30-6:00pm https://gcu.zoom.us/j/94455319476?pwd=QXVoYU04KzI4WDF1VlU0ajBmalVOdz09 Password: 238013
A Pen, A Pencil, or a Keyboard: Online Writing Center Tutors’ Perceptions
Mirta Ramirez-Espinola
Antimicrobial activity of Illicium Verum and Pimpinella Anisum
Ethan Sipes
Perceived Structural Empowerment of Faculty Teaching in Higher Education: A Validation and Reliability Study
Katie Sprute and Crystal McCabe
Comparison of Academic Performance for Students Taking Online Versus Traditional Remedial Instruction for Algebra
Maurice Penney
Evaluation And Comparison of Antibacterial Efficacy of Herbal Extracts in Combination with Essential Oils
Sierra Kanoa, Maria Marin, and Ramesh Velupillaimani
Students Review of Instructor's Engagement and Responsiveness in BIT-200 Introduction to Computer Technology Class
Chin-Hun Yi
Session 3: from 6:00-7:30pm. https://gcu.zoom.us/j/94455319476?pwd=QXVoYU04KzI4WDF1VlU0ajBmalVOdz09 Password: 238013
The Missional Approach to Integration of Faith and Science: Mars Hill Model
Daisy Savarirajan and Ramesh Velupillaimani
Synchronous Face-to-Face Feedback in Online Courses: Student Perceptions and Outcomes
Stephanie Maher Palenque and MaryBeth Nipp
The Impact of Emotionally Intelligent Faculty in the Online Classroom
Megan K. Neel
Altruism and Servant Teaching: Faculty Behaviors that influence Student Learning
Robert Krise and Jan Wakefield Darvas
Engaging Faculty in CIRT Programming
Russell E. Schwarz and Brian K. Hardy
Show and Tell: Examining the Effectiveness of an Explanatory Video Imbedded in an Undergraduate Christian Worldview Course
Shelly J Hogan

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