Delivering a Poster Presentation

Delivering a Poster Presentation

The following module covers how to deliver an effective poster presentation at a conference, offering tips and guidelines for making the presentation.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the professional behavior and dress that should be used when delivering a poster presentation
  • List ways to appropriately interact with and engage the audience

The following YouTube video, Giving an Effective Poster Presentation, demonstrates the dos and don'ts of giving a poster presentation:

Poster presentations can be an excellent way to share research findings and the format of poster sessions has several advantages. Presenters can engage with the audience in an interactive setting that allows them to get feedback and network with other scholars. Poster sessions also have the potential to reach a larger number of people. An appealing poster that is done correctly is the first step in drawing in the audience. However, while the poster serves as a visual aid or illustration of the work, the poster session is really an opportunity for the researcher to personally educate others about the research findings.

Tips on Delivering the Presentation

  • Prepare and practice a 2–3-minute oral explanation of your poster and your work.
  • Do not read the poster to the audience! The poster is there as a visual aid and illustration of the research. The presenter should be making eye contact and engaging with the audience.
  • The presentation should explain the big picture and why the project is important. It should provide a "take home" message. Too much detail will lose the audience.
  • Refer to graphics/charts/data on the poster to illustrate and support findings and conclusions.
  • Do give the audience some time to absorb the information on your poster. Do not stand directly in front of the poster so that they a full opportunity to view it. 
  • Prepare a summary handout so that people will remember the highlights of your work. Be sure to include full contact information in the handout.
  • Know your poster well so you can refer to any section if questions arise.
  • Expect questions! Questions may be very broad asking about the overall project or they may be specific, such as asking about the type of statistical analysis used. Be prepared!
  • Admit when you do not know the answer to a question or when it is beyond the scope of the project.
  • Have business cards, summary handouts, or contact information ready for those who may want to contact you to discuss it further at a later date.


Tips on Professional Behavior

  • Dress professionally. It lends credibility to your work. Wear comfortable shoes as you will be standing for long periods of time.
  • Wear your nametag, smile, and make eye contact with potential viewers.
  • Be on time for the poster session and stay until the session is over.
  • Stay next to your poster so that you are available for discussion.
  • Do not get too in depth with any one viewers or others will not have an opportunity to learn about your research and ask questions.
  • Do not take criticism personally. The ability to get feedback is an advantage of a poster session. This may be especially helpful if you plan to submit a manuscript for publication.
  • Focus on the viewers. Do not get involved in social conversations with other presenters and colleagues at the expense of the audience.
  • Do not force handouts on those that do not seem interested.

The poster presentation is an excellent way to disseminate your research findings. A well-designed poster, a polished presentation and professional behavior will give you the opportunity to educate others and share your work.


Suggested Readings 

Block, S. M. (1996). Do's and don't's of poster presentation. Biophysical Journal71(6), 3527.
MacIntosh-Murray, A. (2007). Poster presentations as a genre in knowledge communication: A case study of forms, norms, and values. Science communication28(3), 347-376.
Miracle, V. A., & King, K. C. (1994). Presenting research: Effective paper presentations and impressive poster presentations. Applied Nursing Research7(3), 147-151.
Rowe, N., & Ilic, D. (2009). What impact do posters have on academic knowledge transfer? A pilot survey on author attitudes and experiences. BMC medical education9(1), 71.
Shalom, C. (1993). Established and evolving spoken research process genres: Plenary lecture and poster session discussions at academic conferences. English for Specific Purposes12(1), 37-50.

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Formats for Conference Presentations:

Selecting a Conference:

Writing a Conference Proposal:

Creating an Effective Poster Presentation:

Delivering a Poster Presentation:

Using PowerPoint in a Research Presentation:

Giving an Oral Presentation:

Creating Handouts for Conferences:

Conferences & Professional Development:

Presentation Proposal:

Extra Presentations Links:


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