Extra Presentations Links

Extra Presentations Links

Formats for Conference Presentations

Attending Academic Conferences: A Primer - Learn about the types of academic conferences and the presentation formats at each.

Conference Presentations: Proposal Types - The following link discusses types of conference presentations and the proposals required for each.

Common Formats for Conference Presentations - The following link discusses the most common formats found at conferences.

 Presentation Formats - This resource provides a description of common types of conference formats.


Selecting a Conference

Choosing an Academic Conference - Following is a link to a blog post that offers great advice and practical tips on how to select an academic conference.

The PhD's Guide to Academic Conferences - The following blog post offers significant advice on choosing and presenting at a conference, as well as discusses how to decide on a poster session or a presentation.

How to Make the Most of Academic Conferences - 5 Tips - This resource offers 5 great tips on preparing yourself to present at a conference, starting with suggestions on how to choose a conference.

AcademicKeys: Academic Conferences - Following is link that provides a site for searching for conferences and learning more about the upcoming academic conferences that may be available in your discipline.

Conference Alerts - Academic Conferences Worldwide - This website offers a way to search for relevant conferences by topic or location and provides an exhaustive list of possible conferences worldwide. It contains several sort and filter functions.


Writing a Conference Proposal

Writing a Conference Paper - This resource discusses the different types of papers that may be required or useful when presenting research at a conference. It also provides detailed tips on how to write an abstract or proposal for a conference.

How to Write an Abstract for Conference Paper - The following link provides a list of 12 points that are considered when abstracts are selected for conferences that may assist you in writing a quality abstract.

Sample Conference Proposals - To view three different samples of conference proposals, follow this link:

Conference Proposals and Presentations - This link offers advice on how to write a successful proposal to present your research findings at a conference.

Writing a Successful Conference Proposal - The following resources provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for writing a successful conference proposal.

Submitting the Conference Proposal - This resource offers suggestions for writing and submitting a proposal to a conference.


Creating an Effective Poster Presentation

Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation - This link will provide ten simple guidelines for creating an effective poster presentation.

Creating Effective Poster Presentations - The following resources is a comprehensive set of links that can guide an author through the process of creating an effective poster presentation from determining the audience, planning, creating graphics and so forth through presenting the poster.

How to Create an Effective Poster Presentation - Guidelines for a creating poster presentation and a sample poster can found through this link.

Creating an Effective Scientific Poster Presentation - For a step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective poster presentation, go through the links on this site. The site covers the entire process from conception to printing and presenting the final product.

Creating Effective Poster Presentations Using PowerPoint - The PowerPoint Presentation on this slide provides detailed instructions on how to create a poster using PowerPoint and contains several examples.


Delivering a Poster Presentation

Creating Effective Poster Presentations: Present Your Poster - The following resource offers great tips on how to present a poster. It also contains a comprehensive set of links that can guide an author through the process of creating an effective poster presentation from determining the audience, planning, creating graphics and so forth.

Tips on Poster Presentations at Professional Conferences - This link provides a complete list of things to consider when delivering a poster presentation.  

Creating an Effective Scientific Poster Presentation - For a step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective poster presentation, go through the links on this site. The site covers the entire process from conception to printing and presenting the final product. 

Making an Academic Poster Presentation - Follow this link for tips, resources, and a YouTube video on how to effectively present a poster at a conference. 


Using PowerPoint for a Research Presentation

Sites to See:  PowerPoint Presentations - Explore the dozen Web sites below filled with free templates, tutorials, downloads, and tips for making effective PowerPoint presentations.

PowerPoint Tips & Tricks - The links on this website will offer instructions and how-to information to use when creating your PowerPoints.

How to Create PowerPoint Presentation from a Finished Paper  - This blog post offers practical advice on how to logically create a PowerPoint presentation to represent your work or research project

APA Style PowerPoint Presentations - The link below offers a great resource that provides guidelines and example for appropriately citing and referencing information, graphics and so forth in a PowerPoint presentation.

Power Up Your PowerPoint - For a great summary of tips on presenting with PowerPoint, follow this link.


Giving an Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation Tips and Guidelines - Following are links to short, but concise, lists of tips/guidelines for giving an effective oral presentation:

Tips on Giving Oral Presentations - This YouTube video gives general guidelines and helpful tips for giving oral presentations.

Sites to See:  PowerPoint Presentations - Explore the dozen Web sites below filled with free templates, tutorials, downloads, and tips for making effective PowerPoint presentations. 

PowerPoint Tips & Tricks - The links on this website will offer instructions and how-to information to use when creating your PowerPoints.


Creating Handouts for Conferences

13 Best Practice Tips for Effective Presentation Handouts - Follow these tips for creating great handouts that will enhance your presentation.

Creating Better Meeting Handouts - The link below offers suggestions on creating better meeting handouts using the PowerPoint software.

The Presentation Handout - Not Your Slides! - This resource discusses key factors that must be kept in mind when creating a handout and why handouts play a critical role.

How to Write a Presentation Handout - 5 Effective Ideas - Learn five important guidelines that should be used when creating an effective presentation handout.

Visual Design Basics - Creating Effective Handouts, Flyers, and Brochures - Use the following visual design basic guidelines to create handouts that are legible, readable, and appealing to your audience. (Dead Link)


Conferences and Professional Development

Faculty Focus - This website leads to a series of articles and posts regarding professional development for faculty in higher education.

How to Leave a Professional Conference with More Than a Free Tote Bag - For tips on how to get the most out of attending or participating in a conference, follow this link:

Attending an Academic Conference - This link offers suggestions regarding attending academic conferences and includes a list of tips for first-time conference attendees.

How to Attend a Conference - Following is link to an article on InsideHigherEd.com that offers advice on getting the most from attending a conference.


---------- Grouped Links ---------

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Presentations: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready

Formats for Conference Presentations: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/1

Selecting a Conference: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/2

Writing a Conference Proposal: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/3

Creating an Effective Poster Presentation: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/4

Delivering a Poster Presentation: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/5

Using PowerPoint in a Research Presentation: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/6

Giving an Oral Presentation: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/7

Creating Handouts for Conferences: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/8

Conferences & Professional Development: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/9

Presentation Proposal: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/10

Extra Presentations Links: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/presentationready/11


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