Thoughts on Teaching
Can we use Pinterest to gain ideas for creative curriculum
I believe that for many teachers we can fall prey to getting into a set routine and we follow the curriculum set in front of us. There was an article posted on BBC Active that discusses using Pinterest, a social network, for educational puproses. Teaching, whether it is for k-12 or higher education, is a collaborative effort so why not use a social network such as Pinterest to share and gather ideas for classrooms. For those of us teaching future educators why not incorporate the use of social…
Steps to finding your own appreciation at work
As the holidays approach there is a lot to be thankful for, this includes being thankful for our job and feeling appreciated at what we do. Being instructors and going through large numbers of students, sometimes pretty quickly, we can forget that what we do makes a difference and that we are in fact appreciated by our peer, students, and deans. I found steps to find appreciation in your work life and I am placing the ones that pertain to what we do as instructors, these come from
…Many people struggle with the boundaries of what can be shared about faith within the classroom. Others struggle with understanding how to implement faith in the classroom when they do come from that type of background. Instructors either never attempt to do this because they feel absolutely uncomfortable doing it or they do it as many times as they can because it is a part of their fiber. Where ever an instructor happens to fall into this scale, there is a great resource that can help you to understand what integrating faith into the classroom is all about. I am providing the resource here and I will be giving more tools from this site and others in the future in order to help instructors feel more comfortable implementing faith into the classrooms at the higher level of education.
Integrating Faith Into Your Classroom: How Can This Be Done??
Many people struggle with the boundaries of what can be shared about faith within the classroom. Others struggle with understanding how to implement faith in the classroom when they do come from that type of background. Instructors either never attempt to do this because they feel absolutely uncomfortable doing it or they do it as many times as they can because it is a part of their fiber. Where ever an instructor…
Steps instructors can take to lessen the resistance to CLC assignments.
Regardless of the many virtues of group work within the online classroom setting, one of the most frequent complains I receive from students is about their collaborative learning community (CLC) assignments. Students often complain about the lack or type of communication occurring in the CLC forum, a main cause might be the lack of practice communicating in such a forum. The inconstancy of participation by teammates is another source of frustration, as students may have differing perceptions of…
Using "stretch" posts to engage top preforming students.
Creating teaching strategies to engage students at various levels of intellectual development is one of the significant challenges facing faculty. This challenge becomes more pronounced in the online realm as the amount of time faculty have with students is limited, there is a lack of face-to-face interaction, and many students have many other pressing concerns to handle. Trying to teach to every student, however, is a worthwhile endeavor despite, or perhaps, because of the challenges. As Dewey…
Developing a sense of community in online classroom can be a positive endeavor, at least one study says.
Over the past several months I have devoted a significant about of time and space within this forum to the topic of establishing a sense of community in the online classroom environment. Past subjects have included strategies toward developing an online community, engendering rapport within the online classroom, the benefits of community to both faculty and students, peer-to-peer learning strategies, et cetera. The reasoning behind the focus on developing an online community has been my belief…
Helping Students to become Attached to their Classrooms
Helping students develop a sense of belonging in the online classroom using group-based and identity-based attachments.
Helping students develop a sense of belonging in the online classroom can be a difficult process. Online students frequently perceive a sense of isolation within the online classroom. This sense of disconnect can often stem from a lack of contact between the student and instructor and from other students, a lack of attachment to the class as a perceivable entity, and the inability to forge a meaningful online identity. Ren et al. (2012) noted customers who believe they lack attachment and…
Asking the right type of questions can help promote critical thinking and increase dialogue in the online classroom.
Two of the significant challenges online faculty face are promoting critical thinking amongst our students and developing dialogue within the discussion forums. The online environment poses certain issues toward achieving both goals. We lack the face-to-face communication and repertoire often required to help students extend their thinking to the critical thinking realm, and the asynchronous modality of communications does not intrinsically promote in-depth and thoughtful dialogue. The ability…
Surprisingly, we love receiving such feedback, but are loathed to give it.
One of the most important tasks an instructor has is to provide edifying and timely feedback to their students. Feedback is a cornerstone of instruction as it allows students to learn more about the material covered in a course, and integrate said material into future courses as well as in their professional endeavors. As much as instructors may enjoy providing positive feedback, the feedback process also entails that students receive negative or critical feedback. Providing less than positive…
How “Searching” Technology has effected Research and Critical Thinking
A debate about the positive and negative effects technology has made concerning researching, critical thinking, discerning, and how instructors teach.
I recently had an informal debate with a colleague regarding the effect technology has on critical thinking, namely our students' ability to critically think. This conservation evolved into one about technology and research. Specifically, the effect the technologies behind entities like and Wikipedia have made concerning the ability of people to conduct research. My colleagues' position was such technologies have lessened people's ability to think critically and conduct thorough…
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