
Archives for March 2014 « Recent Articles

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

The International Leadership Association (ILA) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), co-sponsors of the annual Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award, are pleased to announce that submissions are now being accepted. Papers must be authored and submitted by graduate or undergraduate students only. All authors must currently be students or must have graduated within one-year prior to the submission deadline of Friday, June 13, 2014. CCL staff and papers submitted to other CCL awards are ineligible.

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

GCU faculty member Dr. Dennis Proffitt and Dr. Chris Neuenschwander, assistant professor at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina have learned that their manuscript entitled "Predatory Lending Characteristics and Mortgage Default" has been accepted for publication in the Journal for Finance and Accountancy.

Photo of Scott GreenbergerOffline

Dr. Ronald Berman, Executive Director College of Doctoral Studies and Deliesha Hassell , Ed.D learner published, Digital Native and Digital Immigrant Use of Scholarly Network for Doctoral Learners, in The Journal of Educators Online.

Photo of Jean MandernachOffline

Call for Proposals

By Jean Mandernach

Call for Presentations - Council of the Great City Schools

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