
Archives for February 2012 « Recent Articles



By Jean Mandernach

Ever wish you could record what is on your computer screen to share with others in the online environment? Screencast-O-Matic ( is the answer for you! Attend this 30-minute webinar for a how-to overview of this simple screen-capture application.


New GCU Library Resources

By Jean Mandernach – 7 Comments

Some great resources are now available on the GCU library web site. You can navigate to this new content by going to and clicking on “Find Journal Articles”. Browse under the “Business” subject link or locate alphabetically under “Browse Databases by Title.”


Learn to use EyeJot

By Jean Mandernach

Interested in learning a quick and easy way to send your own short videos to your students... check out EyeJot (


MIST webinar on EyeJot POSTPONED

By Jean Mandernach

The MIST webinar on EyeJot scheduled for today has been postponed ONE WEEK. The EyeJot webinar is rescheduled for Monday, February 13 at 4:00pm MST. To register for this event, please click on the link below:

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