
Archives for November 2011 « Recent Articles


Research Support

By Jean Mandernach

Did you know that CIRT offers research mentoring and support?


The MIST webinar, Teaching with Jing, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 23 has been cancelled due to low enrollment; please register for the final JING webinar scheduled for Dec. 1.


Teaching with current events

By Jean Mandernach

Often, we find that our teaching and our classroom activities are disconnected from the broader world in which we live. Not to say that our teaching isn't timely or relevant, rather our instructional activities and topics are more likely to be driven by the curriculum than by current events. But, in the wake of the Penn State scandal, where is the line between course content and current events?


Teaching with Jing

By Jean Mandernach – 3 Comments

Join us for the next webinar in the MIST series: Teaching with Jing.

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