Module 3

Hit the Literature

In this module, faculty will identify the key words that can be used to begin a review of the literature related to their SoTL project by using GCU resources.


After successful completion of this module, faculty will be able to:

  • To finalize their research question.
  • To identify key words related to their research question to be used in a literature review.
  • Request the Purple File of related literature from GCU.

Searching the literature:

Once you have developed a solid research question, the next step is to conduct a literature review to explore what is already known about your SoTL topic.  Most faculty begin a SoTL project by examining their own classrooms and pedagogical interests, but it is likely that other faculty have shared those same interests. Therefore, it is very helpful to review related studies.  The existing body of knowledge allows you to explore the best practices for studying your particular area of interest and points you in the right direction.  The conclusion section of existing articles often suggest the next steps needed to explore that particular topic.  The literature reviewed is most commonly journals, scholarly books, and databases.  However, it may include newspaper articles, magazines, other books, films, audio, video and other secondary sources.  The purpose of a literature review is to:

  • Establish a framework for the topic or subject
  • Define key words and terminology
  • Identify studies, case studies and models that support the research topic
  • Provide a chronology or progression of the knowledge on the subject
  • Identify and articulate relationships in the research and with the proposed projects
  • Illustrate how the subject has been studied previously (methodology)
  • Highlight flaws in the research and identify gaps
  • Describe where the proposed research will fit in the current body of knowledge
  • Help define and establish the area of research

There are many resources available to begin searching the literature.  Conducting a Lit Review is one resources that provides multiples links to search engines that you can use to find sources on your topic.  GCU also has resources that simply this process for faculty.  Once you identify the key words related to your research topic, you can request a Purple File from the library.  The Purple File contains a starter list of sources and references.  You can use use the references in these articles as additional sources of information and continue your own literature search, but the Purple File is a great foundation.  To request your Purple File, please click on the following link:   GCU Purple File 

If you would like to explore the GCU Library resources on your own, use the following link:  GCU Library Resource Guides.

Think Gears.pngAssignment:

Your assignment for Week 3 is to submit the finalized version of your research question as well as a list of key words that you plan to use for your literature review.   You will receive feedback about your question and key words and then you should submit your request for your GCU Purple File.

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