Think SoTL

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a specific type of research that seeks to use discovery, reflection and evidence-based research to investigate teaching methods and student learning outcomes.  THINK is an 8-module series designed to assist faculty in developing SoTL projects.

How do you know if THINK is right for you?

The THINK program is designed specifically for faculty who are interested in researching aspects of teaching and learning and would like to further develop their ideas.  If your research ideas do not relate directly to learning more about teaching, pedagogy, learning, and outcomes, the THINK program may not be right for you.  

If you are already have an existing data set and would like assistance writing up the results for publication, you should consider enrolling in the INK program instead.  

To really consider whether THINK is right for you, reflect on the statements below and ask yourself to rate your reaction:  

1 - Strongly Disagree, 2 - Disagree, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Agree, 5 - Strongly Agree.   

If you agree or strongly agree with most of the items, then THINK is right for you!

  • I have a question or challenge related to effective teaching and/or learning.
  • I am interested in conducting research that could improve the effectiveness of my teaching or the quality of student learning.
  • I have an idea of how I could change my instruction, assignments, or curriculum to impact student learning.
  • I am interested in exploring how my instructional practices impact student learning, satisfaction, engagement or retention.
  • I am interested in examining how different types of pedagogy impact learning outcomes.
  • I would like to conduct research that could ultimately improve my teaching.
  • I believe that teaching styles impact student learning and I am interested in learning more.

Start thinking about THINK!

If you would like to begin considering your own classroom techniques, teaching, or pedagogical practices, and how those might fit into a SoTL research project, you may want to consider submitting your ideas for feedback before you begin the THINK program.  Follow this link and answer the questions to begin brainstorming ideas for the THINK program:  

Getting Started with SoTL - the SoTL Research Worksheet.

Following is an outline of the THINK series:

  • Module 1 - What is SoTL?
    • This module desribes SoTL and assists faculty in beginning to explores ways of using SoTL research to investigate their own teaching.
  • Module 2 - Writing a Research Question
    • Faculty will learn how to write a research question and will be asked to submit their SoTL question for feedback.
  • Module 3 - Hitting the Literature
    • In this module, faculty will begin by identifying key words for their literature review, request a purple file, and begin to become familiar with previous related research on their topic so that they can begin to frame up a literature review outline.
  • Module 4 -  Identifying the Research Design
    • This module will include information on basic research design and will provide useful resources.  Faculty will be asked to submit their research design and schedule a consultation with one of the researchers in CIRT to receive feedback about their plan.
  • Module 5 - Writing the Research Proposal
    • Faculty will learn how to write a research proposal and will be asked to submit a draft of their research proposal to demonstrate progress.  This will be a two-part module.
  • Module 6 - Writing the Research Proposal
    • Faculty will be asked to submit a complete draft of their research proposal and will receive feedback from CIRT.
  • Module 7 - Submitting Site Authorization
    • GCU requires completion of a Site Authorization form in order to use data collected at GCU.  Faculty will be required to submit the Site Authorization form, along with the signed Deans Endorsement Template, and the completed research proposal during Module 7.
  • Module 8 - Submitting IRB
    • In this Module, faculty will learn about IRB approval process and will submit the necessary paperwork to begin and complete the IRB approval process. When you receive IRB approval you will officially have completed THINK!

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