Extra Introduction Links

Extra Introduction Links

Why Conduct Research?

What is Research? - This link provides an introductory overview of the purpose of research, the types of research and the research process. 

Why Research Matters - In this video, ASU faculty and student researchers explain why research is important, what makes university research special, and how it benefits students, the university and society.

Why Research? - If you are looking to involve students in your research, this link may help you de-bunk many of the myths that exist among students regarding research

5 Reasons that Research Rocks! - The Research Whisperer is a blog dedicated to the topic of doing research in academia. It discusses how to find funding, research culture, and building academic track-records. You may subscribe to the blog on the right-hand side of this link. 

Does Faculty Research Improve Undergraduate Teaching? -This journal article discusses the impact of faculty research on teaching in an undergraduate setting, emphasizing the benefits to students.

The Mystery of Faculty Priorities - This article in Inside Higher Ed describes the shift in higher education over the past decade towards an expectation of faculty research. 


Using Refworks

GCU Library Citing Sources LibGuide - This guide created by GCU Librarians includes basic information on how to correctly format citations in APA format and includes basic information on using RefWorks

Introduction to RefWorks Guide - This guide, created by RefWorks provides information on setting up and using RefWorks as well as installing and using Write-N-Cite. 

GCU Library RefWorks Webinar - This webinar, offered monthly, will walk attendees through using RefWorks to manage citations and create bibliographies. Attendees will learn how to create an account, export from the library databases, and manually create citations.

RefWorks Help - Extensive help files from RefWorks on how to use all aspects of the software. Includes compatibility information, troubleshooting help, etc.

RefWorks YouTube Channel - Video tutorials created by RefWorks.


Using the Sage Research Tool

Ask A Librarian 

Library Webinar Sign-Up 

SRMO Tips & Tutorials 

SRMO Printable User Guide      


Understanding Research Design

Research Designs This web link explores the main types of research design and provides additional links for more information. 

 Choosing Appropriate Research Methodologies and Methods - The website discusses qualitative and quantitative research methods and factors that should be considered when choosing the appropriate method.

Alan Byrman on Research Methods - This YouTube video contains comments and advice from Alan Byrman, Sage Publication research methods specialist regarding how to get started when selecting research methodology.

Qualitative Research Designs - The chart in the following link compares qualitative and quantitative research designs as well as describes the various types of qualitative research approaches. 

 Overview of Psychology Research Methods - This article describes the most used research methods in the field of psychology and gives a more in-depth look at specific quantitative research methods often utilized.

 Educational Research 102 - The Slide Share presentation linked here provides a wealth of information regarding types of research and basic research design. It compares empirical and non-empirical research, basic and applied research, and qualitative and quantitative research designs


Writing a Research Paper

Parts of a Research Paper - The parts of a typical research paper are described in these two links and the sites also provide links for additional resources, including the APA style manual. 

 How to Write a Scientific Research Paper - The following links are a three-part YouTube series on writing a scientific research paper. The series of videos provide a comprehensive, in-depth look at why publishing is important, how to get started, what are the parts of the paper and what order should they be written in, tips on how to write each section and additional suggestions that will assist writers in getting their work published.


 Publishing Your Research 101 - The website provides a series of 10 video episodes by the American Chemical Society that address all aspects of writing a journal article for submission and tips on how to improve your writing. 

 The Literature Review - Researchers are required to know the research that has already been done in their field. The Literature Reviews examine previous related research. This video lecture explains how to write a Literature Review, and examines which elements are required in one.

 Sample Research Paper - APA Style - The sample research paper shown here provides information regarding content, formatting, and style. There is also a link for exploring alternate formatting options.

 How to Avoid Plagiarism Tutorial - This comprehensive guide provides information on citation rules, examples of citations, and guidelines for paraphrasing, summarizing, and using quotations. 


Understanding Sampling and Variables

Brief Introduction to Sampling - This page introduces basic sampling techniques, especially as used in social science research.

 Sampling - This extensive resource is put forth by the Web Center for Social Research Methods. It includes definitions, explanations, and examples on topics such as probability and nonprobability sampling, terminology used in sampling and statistical analysis, and external validity

 Types of Variables - The website provides a straightforward discussion regarding the different types of variables in research studies including definitions, comparisons, and specific examples. The types of variables discussed are dependent/independent, experimental/non-experimental, and categorical/continuous

 Types of Variables - Definitions

 What is a Variable? - Psychology research examples are used to discuss the types of variables commonly used in behavioral research.

 Sampling Methods - The following YouTube videos define terminology related to sampling and describe sampling methods commonly used in research.


Data Analysis

Six Types of Data Analyses Every Data Scientist Should Know - This resource provides examples for common types of data analyses and discusses the appropriate use of each type.

 Choosing Which Statistical Test to Use - The YouTube video is an excellent summary of types of data and issues that must be considered when deciding which statistical test to use.

 Basic Concepts in Research and Data Analysis - The link provides a comprehensive resource that begins with a discussion of overall research methodology and follows the process through to choosing the appropriate data analysis and statistical tests when needed.

 Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis - This webpage provides a brief overview of the types of qualitative data analyses and examples of when the techniques would be appropriate.

 Quantitative Analysis - The resource breaks down the types of data analysis most used in quantitative research methods and provides examples of when this type of method should be used.


Publication and Presentation

Selecting an Appropriate Publication Outlet - This PDF file provides a comprehensive discussion of how to choose an appropriate outlet for research papers for a broad range of academic disciplines.

 How to Publish Your Journal Paper - This site contains tips from the APA regarding how to get your manuscript published.

 Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation - This link will provide ten simple guidelines for creating an effective poster presentation.

 How to Get Your Journal Article Published - This short guide from SAGE outlines the basics on how to get a journal article published.

Publishing Your Research Article - Finding the Best Place to Publish - The link provides questions for consideration when choosing where to try to publish your research as well as additional resources to get you started.

---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 12

Introduction: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction

Why Conduct Research?: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/1

GCU Library Skills: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/2

Using RefWorks: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/3

Using the Sage Research Tool: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/4

Understanding Research Design: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/5

Writing a Research Paper: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/6

Understanding Sampling & Variables: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/7

Data Analysis: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/8

Publication & Presentation: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/9

Research Proposal: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/10

Extra Introduction Links: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/researchreadyintroduction/11


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