Publication Proposal

Publication Proposal

In this module, you integrate your knowledge of finding an appropriate publication to submit your scholarly research. Please note that by completing this proposal, you are not required to implement your research study; rather, this proposal provides a means of demonstrating your understanding of key publication principles. 

Once you submit your proposal, it will be reviewed by a member of the CIRT team and feedback will be provided. In the event that you are interested in implementing your project, you are encouraged to utilize this feedback to help refine your project plan. At the same time feedback is provided on your proposal, a professional development certificate will be issued for your successful completion of the Research Ready program.

Learning Objectives

  • Propose a suitable, specific publication as an outlet for submission of your scholarly article


---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 9


Selecting an Appropriate Outlet:

Types of Journals:

Selecting the Right Journal:

Submitting the Article:

After Submission:

Ethics & Publications:

Publication Proposal:

Extra Publications Links:


-------------- Links -------------

numOfValidLinks: 0


this.updated: True

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obj.hasPermission(enums.PermissionVerb.Edit): False

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    TrueFalse(True || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False) || !True && False)

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