Ethics & Publications

Ethics & Publications

This module will discuss common issues regarding publication ethics and will provide authors with the best practices in regard to ethical behavior.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and list potential ethical issues for authors in the publication process
  • Explain the best practices and standards for ethical behavior in publishing
  • List resources and reference materials that may be useful in exploring ethical considerations


Academic publishing depends largely on ethical behavior by authors, editors, and reviewers to uphold its integrity. There are numerous potential ethical issues that may arise at various points throughout the publication process. Following is a broad overview of the basic ethical principles that authors should adhere to as they begin the process:

  • The work is original, has not been plagiarized and was written by the author.
  • The article has only been submitted to one journal and not previously been published.
  • The data and results are honest and have not been falsified, manipulated, or fabricated in any way (research fraud).
  • Sources are clearly cited, and permission obtained when needed and appropriate. There are no breaches of copyright.
  • Assurance that the rights of human and animal subjects were protected and that all guidelines and requirements were met in that regard.
  • There are no conflicts of interest.
  • Authorship should be accurately reported, and the contributions of all individuals should be reflected.
  • There is complete transparency and full disclosure in regard to who funded the work and who did the work.


There are many different ethical issues that can arise during the publication process. Authors should begin by being aware of and adhering to the basic principles mentioned above. However, the links below provide specific examples, more detailed explanations and more complicated issues. These comprehensive resources include webcasts, videos, flowcharts for making ethical decisions, PowerPoints and many other useful tools.


Following is a playlist of five YouTube videos that provide a comprehensive review of ethical considerations in publication. This video series begins with ethics overview and then specifically covers authorship, plagiarism, conflict of interest and retracted literature.


Suggested Readings

Daroff, R. B., & Griggs, R. C. (2004). Scientific misconduct and breach of publication ethics. Neurology, 62(3), 352-353.
Devlin A. (2006) Research Methods.  Thompson Wadsworth.
Graf, C., Wager, E., SBowman, A., Fiack, S., Scott‐Lichter, D., & Robinson, A. (2007). Best practice guidelines on publication ethics: a publisher's perspective. International journal of clinical practice, 61(s152), 1-26.
Laflin, M. T., Glover, E. D., & McDermott, R. J. (2005). Publication ethics: an examination of authorship practices. American journal of health behavior, 29(6), 579-587.
Jones, K.D., (1999). Ethics in publication. Counseling and Values, 43(2), 99-105.
Rocco, T.S. and Hatcher, T. (2011). The handbook of scholarly writing and publishing. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Shewan, L. G., & Coats, A. J. (2010). Ethics in the authorship and publishing of scientific articles. International journal of cardiology, 144(1), 1-2.

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Selecting an Appropriate Outlet:

Types of Journals:

Selecting the Right Journal:

Submitting the Article:

After Submission:

Ethics & Publications:

Publication Proposal:

Extra Publications Links:


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