Award Nomination

Award Nomination Form

Annually in April, the Provost will invite nominations from faculty and administrators. Nominations may be made by any member of the University community including retired faculty members. Faculty may wish to nominate a colleague or colleagues; self-nomination is also acceptable. All nominations must be supported by at least two sponsors, at least one of whom must be from within the University.

Nomination materials should include:

  • A letter of support endorsing the candidate from each sponsor
  • A complete vita
  • Evidence of superior scholarly or creative accomplishments occurring or culminating in the past five years (this may include publication or presentation samples)

All nominations must be submitted online via the submission for below. Nominations received by the deadline will be assigned to the appropriate college review panel. Each selection panel will review the nomination materials and make one of the following recommendations to the Provost:

  • Two or three names in priority-ranked order.
  • No award if suitable candidates are not available, in the judgment of the committee.

The Provost will determine the final Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award recipients.

Award Nomination Form

Letter of Support and/or CV

File(s) size limit is 20MB.

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