2023 SoTL Summit

CIRT hosts the SoTL Summit every fall to bring faculty of all experience levels together in pursuit of developing their SoTL research. 

During the summit we consider timely issues within SoTL scholarship for all levels of researchers.  

October 25, 2023 sessions included (select title to view recording)

From Teaching to Scholar: SoTL 101

               Presented by: Dr. Jean Mandernach

SoTL Amplified: Unleashing the Power of Generative AI in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research

               Presented by: Rick Holbeck

Confessions of a SoTL Researcher: Myths, Truths, Insights and Innuendos

                Presented by: Dr. Thomas D. Dyer

What is CIRT and What can it do for me?

              Presented by: Morgan McNaughton



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