THINK Research

Think%20Logo.jpgDisciplinary research seeks to use discovery, reflection and evidence-based research to investigate concepts, ideas and theories unique to each discipline.  THINK: Research is an 8-week series of modules designed to assist faculty in developing research projects relevant to their disciplinary expertise.

How do you know if THINK: Research is right for you?

The THINK: Research program is designed specifically for faculty who are interested in conducting research relevant to their academic discipline.  THINK: Research is designed to walk you through the process of developing a research question and designing a feasible study. If you are past this point with your existing research, the THINK: Research program may not be right for you.  If you are already have an existing data set and would like assistance writing up the results for publication, you should consider enrolling in the INK program instead.  

Start thinking about THINK: Research!

If you would like more information on whether or not the THINK: Research program is right for you, you can submit your general research topic or idea for feedback before you begin the THINK: Research program.  

Following is an outline of the THINK: Research series:

  • Week 1 - What is Research?
    • This module overviews the basic tenants of research and differentiates research from other scholarly activities.
  • Week 2 - Write the Research Question
    • Faculty will learn how to write a research question and will be asked to submit their research question for feedback.
  • Week 3 - Hit the Literature
    • In this module, faculty will begin a literature review related to their research question in order to further understand the topic and became familiar with previous related research.
  • Week 4 - Planning the Research Design
    • This module will include information on basic research design and will provide useful resources.  Faculty will be asked to submit their research design and schedule a consultation to receive feedback about their plan.
  • Week 5 - Writing the Research Proposal
    • Faculty will learn how to write a research proposal and will be asked to submit a draft of their research proposal to demonstrate progress.  This will be a two-week module.
  • Week 6 - Writing the Research Proposal - Part 2
    • Faculty will be asked to submit a complete draft of their research proposal and will receive feedback from disciplinary colleagues.
  • Week 7 - Site Authorization
    • GCU requires completion of a Site Authorization form in order to use data collected at GCU.  If your study involves GCU data, learners or resources, you may need to complete site authorization. If required, faculty will be submit this form during week 7.
  • Week 8 - Submission for IRB Approval
    • This week, the faculty will learn about IRB approval process and will submit the necessary documents to seek IRB approval.

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