Extra Qualitative Research Links

Extra Qualitative Research Links

Overview of Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Research Designs - The chart in the link compares qualitative and quantitative research designs as well as describes the various types of qualitative research approaches.

Research Designs - This web link explores the main types of research design and provides additional links for more information.

Qualitative Research Methods Overview - This is a link to a PDF that provides an excellent overview of qualitative methods that includes definitions, comparisons between methods, sampling techniques, ethical considerations, and other information.

An Overview of Qualitative Research Methods - This resource discusses the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research.

Alan Byrman on Research Methods - This YouTube video contains comments and advice from Alan Byrman, Sage Publication research methods specialist regarding how to get started when selecting research methodology.


When to Use Qualitative Methods

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research - When to Use Which?  - The link provides a brief overview of when to choose qualitative research methods over quantitative ones and provides additional links.

What You Can (and can't) Do with Qualitative Research - This resource gives examples and discusses the advantages and limitations of both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Qualitative Research Methods Overview - This is an excellent, comprehensive overview of qualitative research that describes when to choose qualitative methods. It also contains a chart that compares and contrasts qualitative and quantitative methods.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research - The link is an overview of the two methods and describes when to choose each method.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research - The site contains a side-by-side comparison chart that displays the differences between these two methods.


Qualitative Approaches

Qualitative Research Designs - The chart in the following link compares qualitative and quantitative research designs as well as describes the various types of qualitative research approaches. 

Qualitative Approaches - The following resources provides an overview of common qualitative approaches.

Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry - The following PDF includes a comprehensive and detailed overview of the five most common qualitative approaches.

Principles of Qualitative Research: Designing a Qualitative Study - The resource below describes qualitative research, its purpose, its approaches, and basic methodology in a clear, concise manner.


Types of Qualitative Data

Methods of Data Collection in Qualitative Research - Interviews and Focus Groups - The resource below examines two common methods of collecting qualitative data.

Overview of Qualitative Methods and Analytic Techniques - The following link provides a comprehensive overview of qualitative data collection, including discussions of the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Qualitative Data Collection - This book chapter provides an overview of qualitative data, its useful, collection methods, and examples.

Data Collection Methods - This resource focuses on interviews, questionnaires and offers a general discussion of qualitative versus quantitative data and collection methods.


Establishing Validity in Qualitative Research

Qualitative Validity - The overview compares validity in qualitative research with quantitative research validity.

Qualitative Research:  Validity - This link provides an overview of the ways in which validity in analyzed in qualitative research and includes an explanation of common terminology.

Triangulation - Establishing Validity - Types of triangulations that are used to improve the validity of qualitative research are discussed in this link.

Techniques for Establishing Validity - The resource provides links to techniques for establishing credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability in qualitative research.

Believe it or Not: Evaluating the Validity of Qualitative Studies -The resource discusses internal and external validity and provides a link to video tutorials for each.


Qualitative Sampling Methods

Qualitative Research Methods - A Data Collectors Field Guide - This comprehensive, detailed guide describes various types of sampling techniques and provides examples of each, as well as pros and cons.

Qualitative Research Overview - The link provides a full overview of qualitative research, but also contains sections discussing types of sampling methods and methods of participant recruitment. 

Sampling - This resource provides a brief overview of sampling and sample size with links to descriptions of purposeful sampling strategies.

A Guide to Using Qualitative Research Methodology - The file linked contains a full description of how to conduct qualitative sampling, including a chart that lists the types of sampling techniques and includes examples.

Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research - The article discusses sampling designs and ways to make the sampling process more public.


Analyzing Qualitative Data

Learning to Analyze Qualitative Data - The resources provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages when analyzing qualitative data and includes an interactive tool that is helpful in further understanding the best ways to analyze data.

Qualitative Data Analysis - This is a link to a comprehensive PDF discussing aspects of qualitative data analysis in detail.

Tips for Analyzing Qualitative Data - This resource provides practical how-to tips including examples.

Analyzing Qualitative Data - This link provides a step-by-step overview of qualitative data analysis, with an emphasis on content analysis.

What is Qualitative Data Analysis - This is a general overview of qualitative data analysis.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Data Analysis - This resource provides an outline of the steps in qualitative analysis, as well as examples.


Ethics & Qualitative Methods

Ethics in Qualitative Research - The following link is PDF of an article in Profession and Society that critically examines ethical issues in qualitative research.

What is an IRB and its Purpose? - What does IRB stand for? What is the purpose of an IRB and how does a researcher know when they need to use it?

Ethics in Research - The Web Center for Social Research Methods - Some of the key terminology associated with research ethics are described on this site, as well as a brief history of ethical considerations in research.

What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important - Ethical concerns must also be considered when designing a research project. The following website discusses common codes and policies regarding ethics in research.

Ethical Issues in Conducting Research - The following link is PDF that offers a comprehensive discussion of ethical issues in conducting research.


Software for Qualitative Research

What is analysis software for qualitative research?  - This site provides an overview of the uses of qualitative software and links to the atlas.ti software package.

Comparison of Qualitative Analysis Software - This resource provides a side-by-side comparison chart of software packages and their features.

Qualitative Software - The following link provides a list of software packages and links for additional information.

Comparing Results from Constant Comparative and Computer Software Methods - This link examines the results obtained when using manual analysis methods and computer analysis methods in qualitative research.


---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 11

Qualitative Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative

Overview of Qualitative Methods: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/1

When to Use Qualitative Methods: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/2

Qualitative Approaches: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/3

Types of Qualitative Data: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/4

Establishing Validity in Qualitative Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/5

Qualitative Sampling Methods: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/6

Analyzing Qualitative Data: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/7

Ethics & Qualitative Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/8

Software for Qualitative Research: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/9

Extra Qualitative Research Links: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/qualitative/10


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