Teaching Highlights


Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online

By Jean Mandernach

Research and experience suggest that these practices contribute to an effective, efficient and satisfying teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students. Using these practices can help develop confidence, comfort, and experience in teaching online.


"Push" information to your students with Remind101

By Jean Mandernach

If we want to communicate with our students, we have to wait for them to come to class, check their email or login to the online classroom... but, let's face it, there are times that we don't want to wait. Times that we want to tell our students something RIGHT NOW! Whether a current event, a change in an assignment, or a reminder about class... remind101.com gives us a tool to quickly, easily, efficiently text our students without ever having to exchange cell phone numbers.


Higher Education Seminar ONLINE: Sept. 22

By Jean Mandernach

New York Times Schools for Tomorrow
Sept. 22, 2011


The "next-generation" classroom...

By Jean Mandernach

Is it a classroom or a coffee shop? It may not look anything like the classrooms we are used to, but faculty and students at Texas Wesleyan University have designed an award-winning classroom space designed to maximize learning in our modern era.


Twitter: Just a fad or a new teaching tool?

By Jean Mandernach

If you want to be hip and cool, just tell your students that they can follow you on Twitter... but, does Twitter really do anything beyond boost your "cool factor"?


With a new school year underway, its time to think about the ideas, perspectives and experiences of entering freshman. To assist in this process... Beloit College has released its annual Mindset List. The Mindset List, originally created in 1998, provides a timely, entertaining means of reflecting on the world view of first year students entering college. So, what is the world like for the Class of 2015????


The Teaching Professor

By Jean Mandernach

Confession time... I cheat. Yep, I said it, I cheat. I do not come up with all the innovative ideas that I use in my classrooms... I cheat and steal these instructional gems from other great teachers. Whew... with that off my chest, I am now willing to share my hidden treasure: The Teaching Professor newsletter.


Spice up your lectures with a trip to the movies!

By Jean Mandernach

Looking for a little something to spice up your lectures? Clips from popular movies are a great way to catch students' attention and engage learners in the topic... but the key is locating a movie clip that is relevant (and appropriate) for the topic of the class. The website MOVIECLIPS provides just the tool that you need!


Exploring the use of iPads in the classroom

By Jean Mandernach – 1 Comment

iPads are fun... really fun! But, does their value extend beyond entertainment to impact teaching and learning in the college classroom?


Teaching about Plagiarism

By Jean Mandernach


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