Teaching Highlights

Archives for August 2011 « Recent Articles


With a new school year underway, its time to think about the ideas, perspectives and experiences of entering freshman. To assist in this process... Beloit College has released its annual Mindset List. The Mindset List, originally created in 1998, provides a timely, entertaining means of reflecting on the world view of first year students entering college. So, what is the world like for the Class of 2015????


The Teaching Professor

By Jean Mandernach

Confession time... I cheat. Yep, I said it, I cheat. I do not come up with all the innovative ideas that I use in my classrooms... I cheat and steal these instructional gems from other great teachers. Whew... with that off my chest, I am now willing to share my hidden treasure: The Teaching Professor newsletter.


Spice up your lectures with a trip to the movies!

By Jean Mandernach

Looking for a little something to spice up your lectures? Clips from popular movies are a great way to catch students' attention and engage learners in the topic... but the key is locating a movie clip that is relevant (and appropriate) for the topic of the class. The website MOVIECLIPS provides just the tool that you need!

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